Tonight I attended my first small group for singles at my church. While this isn’t my first time to attend a church singles group, it was my first time to attend without a “single” friend. My former single friends are now married, but I am still single. Well that’s another story.

Anyway, The small group started at 6:00, and I was quite comfy on my couch watching TV. The Be Yourself part of me said “stay home and lay on your couch.” ” You deserve it for all the hard work you have done in this heat this past week. ” The Don’t Be Yourself part of me said, “You should go and get out of your box.” Luckily, I decided to not be myself and brave the waters of another singles group, but this time I would go alone and for a different purpose. I wasn’t going looking for a date. I went to be part of a group that shares my current status and also wants to be part of a church community. I went to my first singles group without any expectation. I even volunteered to help lead the group for one class this summer and am thinking about the opportunity to co-lead with the current leader in the fall, since she is asking for someone to share the load. I have a feeling that not being myself will open up new opportunities for me.

So what’s next on my Don’t Be Yourself journey? I am not sure yet, but one thing I have learned during this process is that there are little things that I am doing or saying daily that are not like myself. They may be insignificant to most people, but they are huge changes to me.

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  1. Who would have thought one small act of “not being yourself” could be so impactful?!? It truly is so much easier to “stay on the couch” metaphorically in so many situations rather than move up and out of that comfort zone! I, for one, am really proud of your progress!! I will look forward to many more experiences you share with your audience!!

  2. I’m so proud of you for re-arranging “yourself” by going to this group for different reasons than before. God will bless your new reasons way beyond expectations to the point that may even include ALL of your reasons. I will pray for that and thank Him for sending the Holy Spirit to help you take this “risk”y move.
    Love you and so proud of you. Rock on!!!’

  3. I loved the account of your “Don’t Be Yourself” experience Egypt. By the title,Walk Like an Egyptian, I was afraid it was going to be a flashback video of you doing that dance. 😳 It made me sooo happy to know how your church visit blessed you two and glorified the Lord at the same time. God has a way of making that happen. Love you all and I’m praying for many more blessed experiences. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

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